The first part of a class should hold a Copyright comment. You may add your name to the copyright if you have contributed to 20% or more of the class.
All major sections (methods etc.) should start with a comment in the form of:
/* * A short description * * <p> A full description * * @see SomeRelatedClass * * @version <tt>$Revision: 1.1 $</tt> * @author <a href="mailto:{sfmail}">{full name}</a> */
All comments inside of a major section should only use // style comments.
4 spaces are used for indentation. No tabs should be used, only spaces. Most IDEs have a convert tabs to spaces fuction. The reason behind this is that cvs does see spacing in a diff. And if a tab replaces 4 spaces, it will show it as a revision diff.
All vars should be lower case and names should use _ to seperate words. ex.: gps_altitude gps_sog etc.
Methods should use upper and lower case starting with a lower case. ex.: getAltitude(), setAltitude().
Classes should start with an upper case as in TelemetryData, or all upper case is acceptable as in CRC.
Major sections should be seperated by 3 linefeeds.
Inside of a method etc. there should never be more than 2 linefeeds in a row.